Digging Deeper into China Society

Chinese woman-tea-ceremony

If you have read our home page or about us, you will know that Aim2D is about sourcing an alternative selection of China marketing, tech, business and social media news for organisations [or individuals] who are considering entering the China market.

We know, from our own experience and because many of you have told us, that is it sometimes difficult to find current, objective data on China. And we all know that when doing due diligence and market entry appraisal, current trends – news and information is critical. We are not trying to pretend that China is perfect, heaven on earth. However, having been here, as a foreign marketing studio, since 2003 we have learnt that spin and propaganda cuts both ways.

Today, we would like to introduce you to another China media – Sixth Tone-which we hope you will find useful and informative. Educational even.~ Sixth Tone takes its name from the Chinese alphabet, or tones to be exact. There are 5 of them. But Sixth Tone decided the was room for one more to give an even deeper meaning to life in China. Or, in their words:

“Fresh Voices from today’s China”


Now at first blush, this is not so much like a business or news site in the same way as Caixin or China Daily or Jing Daily. So why include it?.

What is going on in Society?

There is no substitute for facts, data and stats in business but on the other hand they do not always tell us the real story. Or give us the full picture. We need to know what is behind the numbers, what is driving the trends and stats. In other words, as we have said before, we need to know what our customer is thinking- not just what she is doing. What is actually influencing her to make the buying decisions she does? Or does not as the case may be. What is happening behind the scenes? What is happening in society?

This is what Sixth Tone does. It looks below the surface and focuses on budding trends that are still forming or subtle changes that are taking place inside Chinese society that many mainstream news or business sites may have missed. Your early warning system to things that may, or may not, impact on your China business. Last week we looked at an article from Sixth Tone, (see insert below) now we have added Sixth Tone to our list of recommended Chinese media sites, or you can check Sixth Tone out here.

If you’d like to chat or need advise about negotiating the complex China marketing landscape, why not book a free, confidential, short chat with Everlyne Yu -CEO and founder of Uengager? Could be the best value 20 minutes you ever spent~

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