2024 – China Ev News

Wuling Hong Guang MINI EV

Welcome to Aim2D: real time, 24/7 #ChinaBusinessMarketing, Tech and Social Media News Portal of The Bicaverse based in sunny Shunyi, North east Beijing. We publish every second Tuesday of the month bringing you a short round up of China business, marketing, social media and tech news.
We source from a variety of China business centric, tested and trusted media as well as drawing on our 24 +years of experience of living, starting and running a business in China.

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If you have long memories you will remember the start of 2023 ushered in the auto price wars in China with some makers dramatically reducing their prices to shore up sales. If you were expecting 2024 to be a more stable year- sorry, think again. 

2024 China Auto Sales May Grow 3%

According to an article in Yica, Car sales from China could increase 3 percent to more than 31 million this year, setting another record high, according to a report by the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers.

Some of you may recall that last year we commented on an article re France’s action in adding a “pollution tax” to China made EV’s on the basis China’s factories were not green enough.

Clearly, the aim was to make local, French made, models more attractive – price wise. We suggested that China auto makers could simply cut their margins by a similar percent, bringing their models back into line with French, betting the French industry would not be so keen on a race to the bottom. Alternatively, Chinese makers could move their production off shore to Europe bypassing the regulations altogether.

Our second story – below – develops on this.

Some 4.91 million vehicles were also exported in 2023, a 58 percent surge, meaning that China pushed Japan aside as the world’s biggest car exporter. China exports vehicles to more than 200 countries and regions. 

Chinese NEV Price Cuts to Continue in New Year

Again from Yicai, dated Jan 18th, history seems to be repeating itself as 8 car makers (so far) have announced price cuts this year. Possibly the two biggest brands to go head to head are TESLA and NIO. It remains to be seen if other heavyweights, such as BYD or XPENG or how many foreign brands will join the battle. It would seem that Chinese NEV makers at least are settling into a new lower markup, higher sales model.
And throwing down le gantelet a la France peut etre?
Please read the rest of this article at Yicai

China steps up development of intelligent vehicles

You might recall back in 2021 we spotlighted the Wuling Hong Guang MINI EV, a small, but cute EV that, was, surprisingly, top selling EV in China for that year. No? Then allow us to refresh your memory.

Well, today cute is back and featuring at the 6th Haikou International New Energy and Intelligent Connected Vehicle Exhibition held on Jan 5 in South China’s Hainan province.

Lets step back a mo and take a look at exactly what is an “Intelligent Vehicle.”

Like almost everything today, this comes with it’s own jargon or buzz words, or not words, as the case may be. We are talking about C-V2X.
Now, if your comfy with B2B or B2C ( Business to Business or Business to Customer respectively) then we are half way there.

C-V2X stands for cellular-vehicle-to-everything, meaning our smart car can now talk or communicate with everything in their environment. The ultimate aim is to reduce crashes. Make motoring safer. More efficient.

This is achieved by a system that connects the car, the road and, of course, the cloud. Got it? Yes~
Now you can drop C-V2X into conversation stunning people with your brilliance.
Or take learning a step further with this article, courtesy of China Daily.

Press in image to read more

Top 10 automakers in China by vehicle exports in 2022

Staying with China Daily, let’s take an image tour of those top Chinese EV exporters for 2023. Who is your guess for top spot?

Please press anywhere in the image to move the slideshow forward

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