Smart Phones from China

Chinese female consumer shopping on line

Welcome to Aim2D: real time, 24/7 #ChinaBusinessMarketing, Tech and Social Media News Portal of The Bicaverse based in sunny Shunyi, North east Beijing. We publish every second Tuesday of the month bringing you a short round up of China business, marketing, social media and tech news.
We source from a variety of China business centric, tested and trusted media as well as drawing on our 24 +years of experience of living, starting and running a business in China.

Our mission is to arm you with better, clearer insight to life in China so you can provide a superior UX to your Chinese clients. If hard, practical, realistic China consumer marketing support is what you need, do drop into our Digital Marketing sister UX site: Uengager SEO. Please do be aware though that linked content (videos etc) have a use by life and may not be available several months after we publish.
Finally, in a sign of the times, we can assure you that our content is 100% lovingly created and hand crafted by a fellow human. No AI chatter bots here.

Welcome back to Aim2D for Jan 9th, 2024.
As we move to further develop our English subsidiary we need to make a few changes to our publication schedule. This time next month, will be Chinese New Year (Spring Festival) after which time we will publish once a fortnight.

Today we ease in to (or out of) our usual format with a look at Smart Phones in China. Brought to you in video, courtesy of brand Honor and China daily.
This approx 9 minute film begins with look at the fully automated smart phone manufacturing hub in Shenzhen, the different features as well as the logistics and supply chain required to distribute.

Although subtitles are set to English, by default, they can be adjusted to a variety of different languages. As usual, just a quick warning, the video launches with sound ON by default. Be aware if you are in an office environment.

Please press in image to begin video

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